Thursday, July 24, 2008

Your Thursday Rundown

Well it's 10 am, and I haven't showered yet.  Not unusual for me, who is currently unemployed.  But, although yes, I am unemployed, I hardly consider myself lazy.  

Gotcha!  Just kidding.  I do consider myself lazy sometimes!  How funny is that?  I had you there for a second huh?

Anyway, I've got some new ideas for the blog here folks.  And while I can't give you all the top-secret details here and now, trust me when I say that big changes may be in store.  

Here is what is on my mind on this slow news day:

League suspends 11 for roles in WNBA brawl.  Shame on the WNBA for being "newsworthy" for one single day, let alone two in a row! And in breaking news, the fine folks over at the WNBA Penalties & Fines Department finally have something to do.  I bet if they had a job survey to fill out today, they would mark, like a 10, under the 'how fulfilling is your job?' section.  

If it were me handing down punishments, I would suspend all the players and coaches for both teams for being just plain ol' dumb.  But in all seriousness, these ladies are out of control.  I mean, we're actually letting them play basketball?!?  What has this world come to?  And if you're going to brawl, do it when it matters.  Not with 4.6 seconds left.  At that point, you might as well meet up in the parking lot after you're done getting dressed, and throw down like the Sharks and Jets.  Just plain ol' dumb on all accounts.

Judge in New Zealand forces crazy-ass parents to change their daughter's retarded name.  Now we as human beings have the right to name our kids whatever we want.  I believe that...most of the time.  It's in cases like this where I would, like the judge did in this case, force the idiot parents to change the kid's name. I can't imagine a sane/normal/un-retarded person actually naming their child "Talula does the Hula from Hawaii" and have it not be a joke.  Talula does the Hula from Hawaii, seriously??  

There are just some things that you cannot make into a child's name.  Here are a few that come to mind.  Candle on the Wall, Picture Frame, Volkswagen, Stop Sign, I Have a Really Bad Hangover Right Now, Metal Barstool, Doing the Cha-Cha in Charleston, South Carolina, ESPN or anything the sounds even close to that, Jeremy.  All of those are all names that would warrant being forced to change said name.

LeBron James guarantees a gold medal win in upcoming Olympics.  We'll be honest, we probably won't watch much of the Olympics as a whole.  We'll probably catch the opening ceremonies, a couple basketball games, a day of track and field and a half day of swimming.  But I'm a fan of LeBron and I love this guarantee here.  Absolutely love it.  Yes, USA basketball pretty much stinks.  And they will forever until they do something to change it.  

Frankly, I don't think the past two Team USA Olympic teams have cared very much about going out and getting the gold medal.  And I'm not saying that if we simply "tried harder", that we would roll the rest of the world.  No way, the world has definitely caught up to us in the basketball world.  I'm just saying that it's good to hear LeBron care enough to go out and put it on the line and actually guarantee a gold medal.  

Random thought, but does anyone want to have a Jason Giambi-mustache growing contest?  I'm up for it, even though I can't grow a damn bit of cool looking facial hair.  Just email me and let me know.