Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cam Newton's Dad Laughs At The NCAA's Fake Rules About His 'Limited Access'

Cam Newton and his dad hugging after the game

So it looks like Cecil Newton has a problem with following rules huh? 

Yes, apparently that is the case.  See, there is a rule in college athletics that says that you can't sell a college athlete's services for cash.  Cecil Newton broke that rule.  Then, Auburn University flexed their institutional muscles with a very hefty slap on the wrist, and told Cecil Newton to just stay away for a little while.  Cecil Newton decided he didn't want to follow that rule either, showing up at the National Championship game last night to partake in the festivities.

What a slimeball, though.  It's not like the NCAA can do anything to him or Cam in terms of discipline.  The NCAA can't really touch either of them now that football season is over.  You can be sure that Cam Newton is leaving town as fast as he can (I'm actually surprised that he hasn't officially declared as of this writing today).  The Newtons have undoubtedly turned their eyes towards the NFL draft and a bigger and better pay scale, than the one he had in place at Auburn (cough*allegedly).

I really feel bad for Auburn University, really.  They aren't too worried about it now, but they're the ones that are going to pay for Cam Newton and his father's deed in a couple of years.  Someday, all the deals they pulled off together and how much they really got paid is going to come out, it's just a matter of time.  Stuff like this always comes out, eventually. 

When the hammer came down on USC's football program, it wasn't Reggie Bush who was punished.  It's the USC athletic department that is taking the hit financially and competitively for what Reggie Bush and his family did. 

As of today, though, that doesn't matter to any of the Auburn fans.  As of today, they're still on top of the college football mountain.  As of today, they are officially running a clean program.  Yeah, as of today.

Things may change.  We'll have to wait and see.

[ ESPN.com ]