Derek Jeter is and has been a great postseason player for the bulk of his career. There is no questioning that statement. In fact, that may be what gets him into the Hall of Fame when all is said and done. But he doesn't really do any one thing superbly well, except maybe hit for average. He doesn't even rank Ask anyone, and they'll tell you that Jeter is the "clutchest" player in all of baseball. That may be true, but it still doesn't take away the fact that he is overrated. But I think it's pretty funny that the top two players that Baseball-Reference.com compares Jeter to are Alan Trammell and Barry Larkin. So take what you want from that...
(My apologies if a lot of this didn't make any logical sense. I am currently "under the influence" of a couple Benedryl tablets, which are actually doing what they claim to do...making me very, very sleepy. I'm a little loopy, so bear with me folks...basically I am saying that I too agree that Jeter is overrated...)