1. Jim Tressel -- What a lying sack of crap. I'm really starting to be bugged by all these college coaches/programs being busted and all their lame ass excuses for why they cheated. I mean, I'm not a moralist or anything, but Jim Tressel should be fired, straight up. Bruce Pearl lied to the NCAA (essentially did the same thing as Tressel did, but in a different way), but admitted it right away and still got canned.
Tressel lied and kept the lie going for months, and then held a press conference about it once he got caught. He even extended his own self-imposed suspension from 2 games to 5 games, but he is only doing that in hopes that the NCAA goes easy on him when they get done with their own investigation on the matter. But I hope the guy gets canned. Plain and simple.
2. Oregon's recruiting troubles -- I'm sure Chip Kelly has made several phone calls to Jim Tressel thanking him for being just a little bit dirtier and high-profile than the Ducks. As soon as the Ohio State story hit the wire, everyone forgot about Oregon's dirty deeds. But the allegations are still there, and regardless of what Duck homers will tell you, they still seem really shady.
But it just makes me laugh that all these Oregon fans are getting so defensive and claiming that these allegations are "no big deal" and "everbody does it", but I guarantee you that if USC, Auburn, Texas, Washington, or Oregon State had these allegations come out about them, Oregon Duck fans would be screaming bloody murder right along side the rest of the country. Most college football fans these days are so freakin hypocritical, it's laughable. Hard to take most of them seriously.
3. Barry Bonds -- In case you missed it (which I surely did), Bonds' perjury trial started on Monday. Or was it Tuesday? Or maybe it was the previous Wednesday? I'm not sure actually. And I really (pause), really don't care, to be honest. I don't think there are very many people left that care. Yahoo's Tim Brown, who is covering the trial, is one of those left that still cares (maybe even he doesn't?). And he tells me all I need to know to put this whole Barry Bonds never-ending circus, finally, to rest:
A segment of the public believes the stories of Bonds, Roger Clemens (his turn comes in July), Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and the rest were underhanded and over-reported. The rest, it seems, has tired of the process, the speculation, the on-high soliloquies and low-blow opinions.
The shared opinion of 12 civilians in a San Francisco jury box, charged with determining not whether Bonds used performance-enhancing drugs but whether he lied about using them, won’t change any of it.
To be critical of Bonds is to be a racist, envious, misinformed Dodgers fan.
To stand with him is to be a blind, enabling, number 25-wearing Giants honk.
Next topic.
For the record, I am of the belief that Bonds, Clemens and all the rest of them used steroids. But I don't care anymore about any of it really. And lying about it to protect what little reputation these guy's have left is just stupid, if you ask me.
I used to want Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens and Mark McGwire to pay for what they had done to the integrity of the game of baseball. Now, if I was commissioner for a day, I would let anyone take anything they wanted to take, whatever the consequences may be.
That, folks, is how much I don't care about steriods and baseball anymore.
4. No Jimmer left in the tournament -- I'll be honest. Slowly, but surely, I got hooked on Jimmer-mania. After the weeks and weeks of the media spotlight, I couldn't resist it. I wanted to see the dude shoot his way to the national title game and win it all. That would have been great. I mean, let's be honest, the guys he was playing with are about as skilled as the guys I played ball with at Gold's Gym last Thursday night.
Yahoo's Les Carpenter sums up BYU's unlikely tourney run here:
If not for Fredette and this spectacular run of jump shots and ridiculous prayers that became baskets, the Cougars never would have been here. He shot them to the Sweet 16, then he shot them out of the tournament. This is what he was built to be. It’s how this show always was destined to finish. Eventually, a time would come when the fallaway “3s” and the long, arcing jumpers would not roll through the rim. At some point, they were going to clank off the side of the backboard and roll away.
That time came Thursday night.