"It started with a simple trick. With the Jazz trailing, 98-94, in last night’s game, Jefferson had Garnett posted, ready to go to work, and Garnett pulled the chair out from under Jefferson.
Then, the talking started.
Referee Joey Crawford issued warnings, double technicals, and more warnings. Garnett was face-to-face with Jefferson the entire time. Celtics coach Doc Rivers has a rule against fourth quarter technicals, but Garnett shouted at Rivers, saying, "I didn’t say anything." He was still mouth-to-ear with Jefferson at that point, and Jefferson was the picture of frustration."
Jefferson did his best to downplay the whole thing after the game.
“Honestly, Kevin don’t bother me as far as his talking,’’ Jefferson said. “Everybody can go off and talk and yap at the mouth, but I’m not going to tolerate no one touching on me and pushing me. He just pushed me like I’m a coward, and I’m not a coward. Never have been......It’s a lot of things I can tolerate. I’ve been in this league long enough to know that he’s going to talk. He likes to hear himself talk. But he’s not going to touch me on a point like, ‘I’m going to punk you.’ You’re not going to do that to me. I’m a cool cat, and I don’t bother nobody. But he’s not going to touch me, and that’s just the bottom line."
Funny enough, the title of the story is "Celtics use their tricks, trip up Jazz." Obviously, a newspaper from Boston is going to refer to Garnett's antics as "tricks" instead of what they really are. Something called "being an asshole".
We would never advocate violence, but we can't wait for the day when someone stands up to Garnett and punches him in his pretty little mouth.